Showing newest posts with label BB5 Unlocker. Show older posts
Showing newest posts with label BB5 Unlocker. Show older posts


No Tested for those who have been tested .. please post back the results...

what is new on this update?*HWK *Desktop Manager (for blackberry) *MFI Multiloader (blackberry) *Furious Gold Shelli removed the followingp2k, mstool and dct3 calc....they are suspected as virusand all HWK buttons (you must left click each button, if it is not working then you have to right click o redirect the path)DCTxBB5ATRzKZFLG_GSMSAMsRTPACERSeDBxUpdateCli...

what is new on this update? you can open your GSM software such as the following,*Cyclone Box*Motorocker_300 (orig UltimaBoxLight)note:you can delete shortcut icons on the desktop, if you have these...

features: (present in previous version)more photos for nokia 2n2bb5+_100b_cinekbb5+_101_cinekjaf_cc_0.78jafcom emulatorjaf vodafone 1.3p-key accessjafloggerp-key drivernokia pinoutssemcjaf_sbb5_unlocker_104jaf 1.98.63add-ons: you can run your orig GSM programs provided that they are present in correct path(not present in my previous work)scoutsmartmotoustpro2infinity box shellEUB shelldreamboxspidermansetoolufs_dctxbb5 (not hwk)extra-attached-free-safe...

features:added 2n2 photos from previous shellbb5plus by cinekJAF CC 0.78JAF vodafone 1.3P-key accessJaf loggerJaf-Sbb5 no tp by cinek 1.04jaf 1.98.63SEMCnokia pinouts(note: use p-key to run jaf software inlcluding the add-ons, this is safe for smartca...

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