1st Boot Err: Bad Resp UPP
Sunday, September 12, 2010 0 comments
1st Boot Err: Bad Resp UPPVery simple if you know how the process works Flasher tool.when we press the button "check" on the software sarasoft, what happened?!??Flasher tool will recognize the processor of the mobile phone.If everything is Okay then we will see1st Boot OK, UPP WD2: xxxx => UPP type used by mobile phonesMobile rebootingYou can see from here can know that the flashing process ALWAYS starts with the introduction of the CPU / UPP who used mobile phones by Flasher tool.(Simply put, if we want "ngborol" minimal...
first, basics.SEMC created few types of PDA:db200x+nexperiam600,w950,w960,p1,p990such phones have two security type - NEW and OLD.Identify button will show security type - it will write "NEW SECURITY detected" with NEW security phones.if is better to install PDA phone drivers and PDA flash drivers before any operation.phone drivers: for that you need to download phones.rar from support or from SEMCturn on phone. in "connections manager->usb" select "normal mode".now, attach cable.windows will ask you for...
Here is little discription about Nokia PM file..! PM field [1] - RF tunningProtected pm field for phone RF tunning, callibration data PM field [4,3] - Production SN[4]3=4D564834383034393300 - MVH480493convert this hex data to ascii and cut null char.4D = M56 = V48 = H34 = 438 = 830 = 034 = 439 = 933 = 3 PM field [4,4] - Product code.5=3035373530363900 - 0569445 PM field [4,5] - Basic production code3035373530363900 - 0575069...
Power Consumption and Operating ModePhone status (Mode) is different: Power-Off Mode, Sleep Mode and Active Mode.Power Off Mode, the status of this phone in a state of inactive (dead), Power (VBAT / Battery Voltage) are given to retu, TAHVO, PA, HWA Camera, Bluetooth, AHNE. Current consumption is used to 200uAmper.Sleep Mode, this status, phone alive but is not operating. The phone will go to the Sleep Mode after 50-10 seconds if it is not used or operated. The phone will come out of Sleep Mode and go to Active Mode konsisi...
BB5 component functions 1.Level ShifterManage IC functions to the data path from the front camera to the CPU. When broken, will result in disruption of the function of the front camera so can not be activated.2.64 Mbit NOR FlashIs subuah IC with a capacity of 64 Mbit Flash. Flash IC storing programs to be executed by the CPU. There are two Flash IC damage, damage to hardware, and software. Hardware damage is damage to the IC itself, the damage occurs when the contents of a software program erased or changed by accident. Both...
BB5 SECURITY SYSTEM1. security certificate stored at the CMT flash + RAP3G & security simlock CMT areas will also be stored in flash, and RAP3GWhen a corrupted or missing NPC (nokia public certificate) or simlock data will have a contact phone retailer, or restartit is because because of data entered into the memory had previously been through an encryption process based on the algo from NPC and simlock data.!!so if one replaced the security authentication process to be wrong.2. when RAP3G and NOR flash (CMT flash) mounted...
Knowledge The function of UEM, UPP, FLASH, RAMUEM (Universal Energy Management)UEM DescriptionUEM Inside there are several important roles as the Energy Management Cell Phone. Unlike Nokia DCT3, UEM is a combination of several ASICs such as: CCONT, COBBA, chaps and UI DRIVERS.UEM stands for Universal Energy Management, in accordance with its name, UEM has some very complex functions, including:Crystal oscillator (32 kHz)Every...
Why should be measured?Digital Electronics is a series of mobile phones which are very complex, if there is one series that does not work, then the phone can not be used properly. Although there is only one kind of stress does not exist, can cause symptoms that are fateful. The problem, in a phone machine there are tens or even hundreds of components to be interlinked with each other, of course, to solve the problem, we need to track and locate where is the problem, so that we can convict the components we need to change accordingly.To...
A little info on how to repair / flashing with UFS HWK Samsung by me- Select the appropriate cable.- For flashing, do not use the battery (although there are some who have to use batterie- To its best use batteries info- For death and total ..please flash MCU and CTS / FS- To Hang / her good restart flash FS / CTS its course- An important "do not forget to check the format of FS at each flashing".- If phone can at his usual info already...

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How to Crt or Rpl RestoreHow to Read PM area 308How to unlock Asic 11How to Erase DCT4How to Read ASK DCT4How to unlock BB5How to Make Full factoryErasingHow to write PM BB5How to write DCT4 PMHow to Flash dead phonesHow to restore PM 308How to Sys formattingHow to Read Ask BB5How to Read UEM DCT4How to Flash DCT4click here for download Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Google Bu...
** How to make PM & RPL Backup and restore for BB5 or DCT4++ **Tutorial For JAF **
Wednesday, March 24, 2010 0 comments
Connect phoneClick -----------Log:JAF version 1.98.9FILES SET FOR FLASHING:MCU Flash file: NONEPPM Flash file: NONECNT Flash file: NONEAPE Variant file: NONESwitching to serial...Powering the phone...Setting test mode...Reading...MCU SW version: V 04wk47_m_v1409-02-06RM-36(c) Nokia. HW version: 6001PCI version: RFIC version: 150a160fDSP version: pb04w47v23Retu version: 32Tahvo version: 52Production serial number: CQA650150Product code: 0522047Module code: Basic production code: 0516030Flash code: Order number: Product specific...
PLEASE download and READ the attached manual !!!Here is a pre-viewclick here for downloadATTENTION!!!ASK/RPL calculation will NOT UNLOCK YOUR PHONE !!!ASK/RPL calculation will NOT CHANGE IMEI, but it will repair it if is 123456****** as it was original beforeAF Erase FIles for BB5 Here erase files for BB5.If you don't know what flash size have you phone, just try all of them until you find one working with your fone.ATTENTION:If you are using erase file witout make CTR backup (certificate backup) you may kill your phone FOREVER...
How To Repair IMEI (?????????????????) Damage In Dct4 Wd2 Tiku Phone
Saturday, March 20, 2010 0 comments
Small Info About Imei (?????????????) Damaged In Dct4 Wd2 Tiku..There Is No Perfect Method To Know Uem Is Good Or Not. There Is No Perfect Method To Know After Rpl Write Phone Watch Dog Timer Will Work More Then 32sec Or Not.Here Is Litel Info About What I Know About Dct4 Wd2 Tiku Phone Imei (???????????????)Damaged And This May Help Users To Find Fastest Way To Repair There Phone And Easily Also......... 1 = What Is Rezone Phone Show Imei (?????????????????)?A. There Is Only 2 Rezone I Know [1] Phone Flash Ic Losted Imei Info...
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